University officials cascade targets to CSUG for PBB, SUC Levelling
Published March 27, 2024 by CIO


Working together in levering the status of the university with respect to PBB and SUC levelling, the Vice Presidents, University Consultant and the University Planning Director led the cascading of targets to CSU-Gonzaga’s key officials on March 26, 2024 at the MABRIC conference hall.

The university officials discussed to the attendees the university targets in each Key Responsibility Areas (KRAs) and agreed on the number of targets for the campus. The officials emphasized that the attainment of quality and excellent services in the university requires a participatory approach among all members and stakeholders.

Meanwhile, the CEO of the Gonzaga campus, Dr. Froilan A. Pacris, Jr., expressed his strong commitment and support to the plans of the university. According to him, the cascading of targets, aim to bridge the gap between strategic objectives and the daily activities that shape the university's trajectory. He encouraged the CSU-Gonzaga community to engage in order to leave a legacy that will make the lives of those they serve better and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the society.

Dr. Florentina Dumlao, the University Technical Consultant, likewise shared the importance of rallying together in working for the improvement of the status of the university. According to her, it is no longer them asking what everyone can do for the university, but more so committing oneself to do something for the campus.

Presenting the targets in the different KRAs were the University Vice Presidents: Dr. Mariden Cauilan for Instruction, Dr. Junel B. Guzman for Research and Extension services, Dr. Giged Battung for Internationalization and Partnership and Dr. Theresa B. Dimalanta for governance and resources management.

The activity was indeed ‘bombastic’ yet with the Tangkiran (resilient) spirit, there is nothing we cannot attain.

Photo credit: Ma’am Joyce Aminel Espedido