ISO office leads CSUG process owners to ISO processes recalibration
Published May 24, 2024 by Campus Information Office


To ensure preparedness of the campus on ISO internal audit this month, the ISO office headed by Ms. Mary May Baclig, its coordinator, and Mr. Jun Clifford Mape, the Planning officer, convened all process owners of the campus for a Core, Management and Support Group Meeting last May 14, 2024 at the CICS Conference Hall.

In the meeting, Mr. Mape discussed the new RBT and NAP forms to be accomplished, the Customer Satisfaction Measurement (CSM) form and other matters in preparation for the ISO audit. Further, Ms. Joyce Aminel Espedido discussed some ARTA procedure concerns and AO Baclig also gave updates on ISO-related concerns.

Dr. Froilan Pacris, Jr., the CEO of the campus who also attended the meeting asked the process owners of their readiness to undergo internal audit. He challenged them to ensure that each office has incorporate all the suggestions during the first internal audit and made all the necessary improvement of their respective offices.

Photos: Prof. Edison Villena