CSUG hosts UBRM’s training in Production, Financial Management for IGP
Published April 15, 2024 by CIO


Assisting the University Business and Resource Mobilization (UBRM) in the conduct of their 2-day training-workshop on Production and Financial Management for Income Generating Projects Cum Workshop on the Review and Revision of the IGP Manual, members of the CSU-Gonzaga family welcomed the university officials and IGP coordinators from the different CSU campuses last April 11-12 at the MABRIC conference hall.

Lauding the initiative of UBRM, Dr. Froilan A. Pacris, Jr., CEO of the campus welcomed the participants and emphasized the relevance of the training in enriching IGP projects in the university.

“In the world of business and entrepreneurship, effective production and financial management are necessary. These are tools needed in optimizing resources, maximizing efficiency, and ensuring profitability,” the CEO mentioned.

Meanwhile, Dr. Giged T. Battung, the Vice President for Internationalization, Partnership, and Resource Mobilization, led the discussion on Working Capital Management and Operating Cycle of the Business and ‘Cost Volume Profit Analysis and Decision Making. Thereafter, the participants underwent detailed presentation and discussion of Business Monitoring/Checklist form.

Photos: University IPRM