ACCREDITATION UPDATE| “All is well that ends well.”
Published November 16, 2023 by CIO



“All is well that ends well.”

These are the words from Vice President Mariden Cauilan after the 3-day rigorous AACCUP accreditation of the CSU-Gonzaga and Lasam campuses which concluded on November 15.

Despite the painstaking process of accreditation, indeed, it ended well for the faculty members of the College of Agriculture. After hearing the general impression from the overall coordinator of AACCUP, Dr. Manuel A. Sanchez, Jr., the members of task force Gonzaga were relieved.

In response, the University President of CSU, Dr. Urdujah G. Alvarado, expressed her strong commitment to implement the challenges pointed out by Dr. Sanchez. She said that everyone from the task forces shall consider these recommendations done because these are highly significant for the improvement of the university’s programs.

Further, Prof. Myraly Marcos, the Dean of the College of Agriculture, was thankful for all the working hands who extended help from the start until the end. She specifically mentioned the students, parents, extension beneficiaries, the Campus Task Force, the faculty members of the college and the CEO for their unwavering support.

The accreditors haven’t yet given the results. The individual observations and recommendations in each area will be forwarded to the Office of AACCUP and later shall be relayed to the university and then to the campus for information and compliance.
Below are snaps of the 3rd day of the AACCUP accreditation of the College of Agriculture.