CSUG process owners undergo 2nd ISO internal audit
Published May 28, 2024 by Campus Information Office


To determine the extent of implementation of various processes in all offices with respect to ISO standard, the campus process owners underwent 2nd ISO internal audit last May 23, 2024 at the Administrative Conference Hall.

During the opening program, Dr. Froilan A. Pacris, Jr, the CEO of the campus, welcomed the university auditors and thanked them for their presence. The CEO pointed how ISO created wonders to the campus.

“Because of ISO our processes are becoming more effective and efficient. It is making our decisions more beneficial and long term because they are based on facts. Our recordkeeping has improved a lot and our feedback mechanism is in place for improved customers’ satisfaction,” CEO Pacris shared.

“We were able to cut down our costs and save our resources. For me, ISO means continuous improvement because by using non-conformity analysis we can spot areas of improvement and stay ahead of the competition,” the CEO added.

Moreover, Dr. Ronald Cachero, the lead auditor, introduced the members of the team and their office assignment. He likewise gave instructions to them before meeting the process owners of the campus.

Also, Atty. Carla Marie Sumigad, University ISO Focal Person and Quality Management Representative, presented the overview of the internal audit procedure.

Later after the auditors visited the offices, Dr. Cachero gave the common findings. There after Ms. Mary Mae Baclig, the campus Administrative Officer, gave the campus commitment, on behalf of the CEO.

Photos: Ms. Deolice Maramag