CSUG hails 3 new accredited full-fledged professors
Published March 17, 2023 by CIO


Cagayan State University-Gonzaga takes pride in producing three new accredited full-fledged professors who underwent rigorous accreditation process in compliance to the CHED-DBM Joint Circular no. 3, series of 2022.

The following are the faculty members whose credentials and accomplishments speak so much of their commitment and the quality of service they have been extending in the university and to the community.

1. Dr. Romar Banadero- Full-Fledged Professor III
2. Dr. Richard Ayuyang- Full-Fledged Professor II
3. Dr. Jay Omotoy- Full –Fledged Professor I

At present, they are doing key functions in the campus. Dr. Banadero is the current dean of the College of Teacher Education and a Project Leader of the Bamboo IGP and Extension. Dr. Richard Ayuyang is the dean of the College of Information and Computing Sciences and the SMART campus coordinator. Dr. Jay Omotoy is also a dean of the College of Business Entrepreneurship and Accountancy, the Campus Coordinator for Planning and Development and the General Manager of the Bamboo Sanctuary.

Congratulations, sirs. May your accomplishment serve as an inspiration for others to better their work and to strengthen their commitment to quality and excellent service, all for the glory of the Lord.