CSU Gonzaga TVET is now an Accredited Competency Assessment Center for the following qualifications:
Published September 26, 2023 by CIO


CSU Gonzaga TVET is now an Accredited Competency Assessment Center for the following qualifications:

1. Animal Production (Swine) NC II
2. Pest Management ( Vegetables) NC II
3. Grains Production NC II
4. Bookkeeping NC III

CSU Gonzaga TVET has 14 accredited assessment centers for different type of clients.
For those who are willing to be assessed, you may visit the TVET Office and look for Dr. Vincent Jim Palor or Ms. Kath Lemi. You may also call 0915270053 or send us an email at csugonzagtvet@gmail.com.

Apply now and be a certified NC II holder!