TESDA inspects CSUG TVET’s 5 Training centers, 4 Assessment centers
Published August 25, 2024 by Campus Information Office


To certify that the TVET institution, trainers and programs met quality standards, the inspectors from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Aparri, Cagayan and Cagayan Proficiency Training Center, Inc., conducted ocular inspection in the CSU-Gonzaga TVET facilities on August 20, 2024 as requirement for the offering of 5 training centers and 4 assessment centers in the campus.

Through the leadership and guidance of the CEO and Assessment Center Manager, Dr. Froilan A. Pacris, Jr., together with the supervision of the TVET coordinator of the campus, Dr. Vincent Jim Palor and the commitment of the campus UAQTEA coordinator, Dr. Khayle Agluba; TVET staff, CHM and CICS faculty members and staff, all requirements were set and provided ready for the inspection.

The training centers that were subjected for inspection were: Housekeeping NC II, Front Office Services NC II, Food and Beverage Services NC II, Food and Beverage Services NC III and Tourism Promotion Services NC II. Also, the assessment centers that were inspected were Rice Machinery Operations NC II, Drying and Milling Plant Servicing NC III, Housekeeping NC II and Computer System Servicing NC II.

As part of the protocol for inspection, first, the inspectors briefed the TVET officials and staff regarding the event. After which, the inspectors inspected the staff house, the CHM and CICS laboratory rooms and the RMO assessment center. They likewise checked the completeness of tools, materials and equipment necessary for the training and assessment centers. Thereafter, feedbacking was held.

According to the staff of CSUG TVET, the opening of the new training and assessment centers shall commence after the issuance of a Certificate of Program Registration (CTPR) to the campus by TESDA region.

Once the campus receives its CTPR, there will already be a total of 19 assessment centers and 17 training centers in the campus.

Info and Photos: CSU TVET Office