The CSU-Gonzaga Academic Council convenes to deliberate the tentative list of graduates of the campus.
Published May 28, 2024 by Campus Information Office


CSU-Gonzaga Academic Council which is composed of all regular and part-time faculty members convened on May 22, 2024 at the MABRIC conference hall to deliberate the tentative list of graduates of the campus in the six (6) colleges.
The Campus Executive Officer, Dr. Froilan A. Pacris, Jr., presided the meeting. Each dean presented to the body the tentative list of graduates in the different programs and discussions were made as to the lackings of students and other requirements for graduation that the students need to accomplish prior to the schedule of final examination.
After all queries were addressed by concerned faculty members and deans, a tentative number of graduates for the Academic Year 2023-2024 of the campus endorsed and approved was 436.
Photos: Prof. Edison Villena